My Next Novel: The Diblings
I am writing a middle grade novel about diblings! Diblings is a word that some donor-conceived children use to describe their half-siblings. Diblings have different families, but they have the same donor who was a part of how they came to be! This novel is about a donor-conceived middle schooler named Escher who, despite no musical talent, helps his diblings to form a Beatles-inspired band. They all want to win a trip to Japan to meet Takumi. He’s the dibling no one has met yet!
Escher really wants to fit in with his family, but as the book progresses, he learns that maybe it’s okay to stand out.
I am very excited to have won a scholarship to the EPA SCBWI Mentorship Program where I get to learn from the super cool middle grade author Eric Bell til October 2022! Check out Eric Bell’s website and read his books! You will not regret inviting Alan Cole, Eric’s main character, to your bookshelves!
Here is a train pass sign from a trip to Japan!